Sarnia, ON

Community Name:

The Corporation of the City of Sarnia, Ontario

Application Name:

Sarnia-Lambton LAV III Monument Program

Memorial Name:

Sarnia-Lambton Afghanistan Monument

Location :

Veterans Park, Sarnia

Community Website :

Unveiling Date:

October 30, 2016

National Inventory of Canadian Military Memorials # :

Community Description:

Sarnia is a medium sized city located on the southern shore of Lake Huron and 100 Km west of London, Ontario. It is known as the eastern Canadian center of the Canadian Petroleum and Petrochemical Industry. Sarnia has had a continuous military militia and reserve presence since the St. Clair Borderers were formed to deter the threat of Fenian raids in 1866. Today the 1st Hussars “C” Squadron, an armoured reconnaissance Reserve Force unit now occupies the local Armoury. A joint committee of the 1st Hussars Association, the Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 62 (Sarnia) and the City of Sarnia, Parks and Recreation Dept. was established in June 2015 under the direction of HCol Barry Hogan, 1H. Its goal was to place a Canada Company LAV III in Veterans Park, Sarnia, before Remembrance Day 2016, at no cost to the public. This monument is located in Veterans Park at the corner of Wellington and Victoria streets, where the city cenotaph and four other memorials are placed to honor local fallen soldiers and veterans of earlier wars. There are three plaques on this monument; one recognizing the 40,000 men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces who served in Afghanistan and the 159 who made the ultimate sacrifice, a second for the 86 members of the 1st Hussars who served in the Afghanistan conflict, and the third for two area residents – Pte William Cushley (1RCR) and Cpl Brent Poland (2RCR), both killed in action in Afghanistan.





Étiquettes :