Kingston, ON

Community Application Name:

Royal Military College of Canada

Location :

Campus Intersection of Billy Bishop Dr & Precision Dr, Kingston, ON

Community Website :

Unveiling Date:

November 11, 2019

National Inventory of Canadian Military Memorials # :


Community Description:

The Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) was founded in 1874 by the Dominion Government, led by Alexander Mackenzie, who passed an act in Parliament to establish a military college. On June 1, 1876, the Military College of Canada opened its doors to the first class of eighteen gentlemen cadets. These are the ‘Old Eighteen,’ known by name to all cadets today. Two years later, in 1878, Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, granted the College the right to use the prefix ‘Royal.’ The College now confers undergraduate and graduate degrees in a wide variety of programs within the Arts, Science, and Engineering disciplines.

All officer cadets who enter RMC are enrolled in either the Regular Forces, the University Training Plan for Non-Commissioned Members, or in the Reserve Forces. The ultimate objective of graduates is to become a commissioned officer in the Canadian Armed Forces. All cadets pledge to respect and uphold the customs and traditions of the Canadian Forces, to act ethically and to carry out their duties with Truth, Duty and Valour. Cadets also pledge to honour the memory of those who fought for Canada’s freedom and it was with this pledge in mind that the Class of 1980 united to fund the purchase and installation of a LAV III Monument in memory of all alumni who participated and fell in Afghanistan, including some from their own Class. The LAV III Monument will also pay tribute to the local Prince of Wales Own Regiment and all the members stationed at CFB Kingston during this conflict.


  • In 1964, the RMC flag was used as a template to create the present-day Canadian flag.
  • The RMC Band is now one of the largest voluntary bands in the Canadian Forces.





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