Archives : Galleries
British Columbia Chapter Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia – 11 July 2019
Canada Company Chapters This program’s aim is to provide opportunities for leaders of industry and communities to meet with members of the Canadian Armed Forces in convivial settings to discuss subjects of joint interest and/or to learn about the military traditions and history. The program includes round table discussions, luncheons with guest speakers, and military…
Quebec Chapter Mess Dinner in Montreal, Quebec – 7 May 2019
Strategic Exchange Events This program’s aim is to provide opportunities for leaders of industry and communities to meet with members of the Canadian Armed Forces in convivial settings to discuss subjects of joint interest and/or to learn about the military traditions and history. The program includes round table discussions, luncheons with guest speakers, and military…
Projet : Exposition Jouer ferme, lutter ferme
Projet : Exposition Jouer ferme, lutter ferme En collaboration avec le Panthéon des Sports Canadiens, ce projet d’une durée de trois ans consiste en une exposition en 2D portant sur le sport dans le secteur militaire. L’exposition décrit la relation historique qui existe entre l’activité sportive et le service militaire au Canada, des années 1880…
Tournois de golf annuels de La Compagnie Canada
11th Tournois de golf annuels de La Compagnie – 2019 Quand: 18 juin 2019 Où: Devil’s Pulpit Golf Course Crédit photo: Irv Kochman, 2019 9th Tournois de golf annuels de La Compagnie – 2017 Où: Devil’s Pulpit Golf Course Crédit photo: Irv Kochman, 2019
Canada Company 10th Annual Golf Tournament in Caledon Village, Ontario – 2018
Annual Golf TournamentWhere: Devil’s Pulpit Golf Course