To Canada Company
We would like to thank you very much for your generous support in our travels to The Netherlands for the Commemoration & Rededication Ceremony for our Uncle, and former unknown soldier Lt. John Gordon Kavanagh.
His years as an unknown soldier in the small town of Steenderen, were facts that we learned in 2018. We were contacted on Oct 20, John Gordon’s birthday. It was a day we will never forget.
To have a long empty space filled with such wonderful information. To find out that he was not MIA but celebrated annually by the lovely villagers in the surrounding small towns of Rha, Olburgen and Bronkhorst. It has made our family’s hearts so very happy.
Having been covid cancelled 3 times, we were so very happy to be able to be present to see Uncle Jack honoured by his comrades, the Queens Own Rifles. Also to have a full RCL Colour Guard, many dignitaries, the local Mayor and Reverend; the local school children present, many locals, then several reporters. There were so many beautiful moments to give Lt John Gordon Kavanagh the honours he was so deserving of.
Thank you doesn’t seem quite enough. We are forever grateful, honoured and appreciative to have received the generous support of Canada Company.
We have enclosed photos of us with the Mayor and both the headstones.
Sincerely with much respect
Jack Young & Debbie Howes